Thursday, May 17, 2018


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Femto is a place in time where the main character has the opportunity to live again after he has been killed by a lighting. Therefore, he is aware of everything that is going on around him as he goes back to the moment he is reborn. Also, he has the opportunity to go back in time and live forever, however, he can't go back to his present time anymore. Femto is divided in small chapters, almost vignettes. The chapters are named after units of the metric system. Half of the story takes place in a small village in Guanajuato, Mexico, while the other half takes place in the United States, in San Diego, California. It is written in Spanish because it is my native language. The word Femto and the names of the other chapters, are spelled the same way in Spanish and English, so the meaning for those words are the same for English and Spanish. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you my story, which is almost too real. BGS

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